Monday, March 2, 2009

A tribute to PICO

Frank first suggested that Pico be the catalyst for me to start a blog. I very well could have done that: Pico provides enough entertainment and stories to sustain a full time blog. We're coming up on his 1 yr birthday. unbelievable. I can't believe we've almost had him a year! He's been such a delight from the day we got him. What I love most about Pico is that he always has to be around us - every moment. If I leave the kitchen to go to the bedroom, he's on my heels, following me all the way.
It isn't all fun and games with Pico though. He has a fetish with flowers. I can't have fresh flowers in the house anymore, because he'll eat them. Now I have to resort to doing this:

Hiding the flowers in the bathroom closet. 

As a strategy to get him not to scratch the furniture, we started giving him a treat every time he uses his scratching post. Now he does it all the time. He always does it when we first get home, and then very half heartedly about another 4 times, always looking over to see if we've noticed. I think he's on to us, taking advantage of "the system".

His latest trick is opening cupboards. Sometimes I come home, and all the kitchen and bathroom cupboards are open. It's quite funny watching him do it - I have yet to catch it on video.The other day I got home and the freezer door was open. the freezer. Now thats impressive! 
We lost all his kitten pictures when our computer crashed a few months ago, but here are some of my more recent favorites:

We like to call this one: "Pico in a box"


Carrie Allen said...

ahahahaha. i love that video, it's hilarious!

danielle marie. said...

aww picooo. hes gotten so big! i havent seen him in quite some time..

blythe said...

that video is the bestttt