Monday, November 24, 2008

South American .. Really?

Do I look south american to you... nope, didn't think so! For some reason the trader joe's check out lady seemed to think so. Perhaps she didn't hear me correctly when I said "South Africa". Or perhaps she thought, as many other americans do, I might add, that it would be too ridiculous that South Africa could even BE a country, and that I must be terribly mistaken. And so, she fills in the gap and says :"Do you eat turkey in South America?"

I smile, and say:"no, we don't".


natalie said...

No turkey in South America? How sad. I thought everyone celebrated Thanksgiving. They don't? So what part of South America are you from?
Then again you have to be from South America, because you are wait...Caucasian. So did you get a turkey?

Frank Morgan said...

haha you find the strangest people end up working at trader joes.
that's a good one.

Cece said...

I enjoyed this, ahah