Monday, May 11, 2009

Come on down

You are the next contestant on the price is right! ( at least I think thats how it goes??)
16 of us attended a taping of "The price is right" today. Now, first let me pause and inform the south african readers what The Price is Right is: Do you guys remember "Win 'n Spin"? well, it's not like that at all, but kind've in the same category. It's a game-show targeted at old retired audiences where contestants have to guess the price of an item and if they guess correctly or close to the right price, they win the item (thats the short of it). Oh ja, and Drew Carey hosts it.

The show is currently doing a fundraiser deal where if you're from a church and you bring 15 or more people, they pay you $20 per person. How cool is that? So, as the Tanzania team, we roped some peeps together and went.

I had never seen the show, so last night Jono, Stefanie, Reinhardt, Megan and I watched an episode online. We spray-painted matching t-shirts - which ended up looking not-so-good (bummed i don't have a picture to show you), and finally at 1am we were in bed, eagerly awaiting this morning.

Everyone was there on time and looking spiffy in our bright orange t-shirts with an outline of the continent of Africa painted on them - except we didn't think the placement of the design through, and so it ended up looking like a giant coffee stain on our t-shirts. Nevertheless, we were not discouraged and so we braved the horrific LA traffic and headed to the CBS studio in Hollywood.

Our team was most certainly the loudest in line, as we kept ourselves entertained by playing Guesstures and Worst Case Scenario. Finally it was time for us to enter the studio, which we did with much enthusiasm. The show started almost immediately with the announcer calling out names from the audience to play as contestants. And only a few rounds in... our very own STEFANIE BAMMER got picked! Woohoo! We went crazy, cheering her on as she walked up to her little "price is right" podium. Bammer did so well, and even won some stuff... but I've heard we're not allowed to disclose that information until the show airs. WATCH IT ON MONDAY MAY 26TH!!

All in all we had such a fun day, and I was reminded of the privilege Jono and I have of living in this part of the world and having such awesome friends.


Megan said...

our random goup of people turned out to be awesomely fun!!

danielle marie. said...

ahhh I didn't know Bammer was picked! that's awesome!
glad you guys had fun:)

Camyron Lee said...

Great blog, Great day!

And hey, those shirts sparked a lot of questions, which lead to highly informative conversations.

No one really could identify the blob and therefore just HAD to ask.

Carrie Allen said...

I didn't want to leave a comment because I don't feel like I'm your "friend" right now...

blythe said...

How fun! I can't wait to see pictures and watch the episode! :]